What's on this season?
Broadway hits, rock ’n’ roll vibes, Cole Porter’s magic, and daring new twists—we’ve got a little bit of everything!
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Can’t decide? Want to see them all?
Become a season passholder
3, 4, 5 show passes available. Best prices and free exchanges.
3, 4, 5 show passes available. Best prices and free exchanges.
Save with group tickets
Whether you are a group of 11 or 20 more, you’ll experience the Playhouse at special group rates.
Save with group rates this season
With groups of 11 or more, you can enjoy theatrical magic with even deeper discounts.
Small Groups, 11-19
- 10% off Choice, Select, and Economy seating
Large Groups, 20 or more
- Download Group Rate sheet.
- $80 Choice, $70 Select, $50 Economy seating
- Coach parking and turnaround
- Free ticket for coach driver (subject to availability)